Class 10 English | The Midnight Visitor Question Answer| SEBA

Class 10 English Supplementary Reader | The Midnight Visitor Question Answer | SEBA: Welcome to our website! We are happy to provide you with Class 9th Notes for your academic journey. Class IX is an important year for learners as they prepare themselves for the upcoming board exams, which will determine their academic success.

Today, in this article I will discuss your Class 9th The Midnight Visitor Long and Short Questions| We provide solutions for almost all long and short questions.

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A. Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ] and answers:

Q.1. Who is the author of the story “The Midnight Visitor”?

(b) James Herriot

(d) Victor Canning

(a) Ruskin Bond

(c) Robert Arthur

Ans: (c)

Q. 2. Where did Max jump through the window?

(a) on the bed

(b) balcony

(d) office of the hotel

(c) the roof of the other room

Ans: (b)

Q. 3. Where was the balcony?

(a) outside the window of the room

(b) outside the back door of the room

(c) on the roof of the room

(d) none of these

Ans: (a)

Q. 4. How would you describe Ausable?

(a) witty

(c) egocentric

(b) idle

(d) all of the above

Ans: (a)

Q. 5. How did Max claim to have entered?

(a) a passkey

(b) window

(c) balcony

(d) None of the above

Ans: (a)

Q. 6. Where did Ausable think Max was?

(a) hongkong (b) Berlin (c) London (d) None of the above

Ans: (b)

Q.7. Where was Ausable staying?

(a) Max’s home

(b) French hotel

(c) Fowler’s home

(d) French Inn

Ans: (b)

Q. 8. What was Ausable’s profession?

(a) a writer

(b) secret agent

(c) doctor

(d) Engineer

Ans: (b) secret agent

B. Very short answer type questions and answers :

Q. 1. Who was Ausable?

Ans: Ausable was a secret agent.

Q. 2. Where was the balcony?

Ans: The balcony was outside the window of the room.

Q. 3. Who was Fowler?

Ans: Fowler was a writer.

Q. 4. What was Max holding in his hand?

Ans: Max was holding a pistol in his hand.

Q. 5. Where was Ausable’s room situated in the hotel?

Ans: Ausable’s room was situated on the sixth and top floors in the hotel.

Q. 6. Who was Henrey in the story?

Ans: Henrey was a waiter in the story.

Q. 7. Who is the intruder?

Ans: Max is the intruder.

Q. 8. Where is Ausable staying?

Ans: Ausable is staying In a French hotel.

Q.9. What is the name of the writer who had come to meet Ausable?

Ans: The name of the writer who had come to meet Ausable is Fowler.

Q.10. Who had knocked at the door?

Ans: Henrey, a Waiter had knocked at the door.

Q.11. What did Max think the door was being knocked?

Ans: Max thought that the door was being knocked by the police.

Q. 12. Who according to Ausable was young and romantic?

Ans: According to Ausable, Fowler was young and romantic.

Q.13. ‘Instead, you have spent a dull evening in a French music hall with a sloppy fat man…” Who is the ‘sloppy fat man’ referred to here?

Ans: The ‘sloppy fat man’ referred to here is Ausable.

Q. 14. “… and stood aside to let his frustrated guest enter.”- who is the frustrated guest here?

Ans: Here, the frustrated guest is Fowler.

Q. 15. “…. Fowler had his first authentic thrill of the day.” – What was the thrill referred to here?.

Ans: The thrill referred to here was the scene that Fowler saw in Ausable’s room where a man was standing across the room with a small automatic postol in his hand.

C. Long answer type questions and answers:

Q.1. Give a brief description of Ausable. Or Who is Ausable? What type of a man he was?

Ans: Ausable is a secret agent. But he did not fit the description of a secret agent. He lived in a small room on top of a French hotel. He was a man who had a presence of mind. He is also prudent as can be seen from how he treated max and befooled him. In appearance, he was very fat. Though he could speak French and German possibly, he could not drop his American accent. He lived in Paris, and it was there where he ‘befooled Max showing him a false balcony.

Q.2. Who was Fowler? Give a description of his meeting with Ausable. [HSLC.2018]

Ans: Fowler, as said by Ausable, was a writer, young and romantic. He envisioned mysterious figures in the night, the crack of pistols, drugs in wine. He was a writer of detective stories. Ausable gave him a telephonic call to meet him in his room. Accordingly, he came and met Ausable in a musty corridor of a French hotel where Ausable had his room. Ausable said over his shoulder that he had been told that he was a spy.

Then Ausable said that Fowler must have felt disillusioned. Then he told him about a paper for which several men and women had risked their lives. The letter had come to him. He added that soon that paper might affect the course of history. Then Ausable switched on the light.

Max was surprised to see in Ausable’s room a man standing holding a small pistol. The man holding the pistol was Máx. Ausable asked him what he had been doing in his room.

Q.3. Who was Max? Give a brief description of his conversation with Ausable. [HSLC.’17]

Ans: Max was also a Spy. Ausable met him in his room. It seemed that they had known each other. Ausable thought that Max was in Berlin and was surprised to find him in his room. Max had entered the room secretly while Ausable was not there. He was a slender man of moderate height.

His pointed face was like that of a fox which signified that he was a crafty person. He told Ausable that he had come up with the idea of taking the letter from him as it would remain safer in his hands than in Ausable’s. Then Ausable wondered how Max could get into his room. He wanted to raise the matter with the management.

Then with a view to hoodwinking Max, Ausable told him about that imaginary balcony through which, as he suspected, Max had entered his room. Max said that he did not enter the room through any balcony. He entered using a passkey. Max added that if he knew of the balcony it might have saved him some trouble.

Q.4. What did Ausable say about the balcony? What purpose did it serve? Or, How does Ausable manage to make Max believe that there is a balcony attached to his room? [HSLC-2015, 2019, MQ, ’22]

Ans: Ausable said about the imaginary balcony to dupe and hoodwink Max whom he found in his room while he had been away. Finding Max in his room holding a pistol and demanding the report Ausable created the scene of the imaginary balcony. When Max said that he did not know about the balcony, Ausable replied that it was not his balcony and it belonged to the next apartment.

He told Max that his room used to be a part of a larger unit and the next room through that door used to be the living room and which had a balcony. He added that the balcony extended under his window. He told that Max could get on to that from the empty room two doors down. Further, he said that somebody got down through that in the previous month and the management promised to block that.

The balcony served a big purpose. To escape from the police Max turned the doorknob, pushed with his left hand to free himself from the sill, and dropped to the balcony. Then he screamed once shrilly and was heard no more. Ausable told Fowler at the end there was no balcony.

Q.5. How did Max try to get the report from Ausable? What happened to him in the end and how?

Ans: Ausable asked Max how he came to know about the report. Max smiled evilly and asked in return how Ausable’s men got the same report. He added that he would get the report that night. Max was waving the pistol to threaten Fowler and Ausable, Just then a sudden knocking at the door was heard. Max asked who was there at the window. Fowler jumped. But Ausable said that there must be some policemen at the door. He added that such an important paper for which they had been waiting must have some extra protection.

So he called the police to check on him to make sure that everything was alright. Ausable asked Max what he would want to do. Further, he said that if he did not open the door, they would enter anyway. Max’s face turned black with anger and he backed swiftly towards the window. He asked Ausable to send the police way. Otherwise, he threatened to shoot to take his chances. The knocking at the door grew louder.

Finally, Max turned the doorknob, pushed with his left hard to free himself, and fell down through that imaginary balcony. Nothing more than a shrill scream was heard of him.

Q.6. Briefly describe how Ausable defeated Max’s scheme to take away the report. [HSLC. 2016,2022]

Ans: Ausable and Fowler found Max inside Ausable’s small room on top of the sixth floor of a French hotel. It was late in the evening when they entered it. The room had been closed and as reported by Max, he entered the room opening the door. He said this when Ausable tactfully mentioned a balcony and asked Max if he had entered the room through the balcony. Max was holding a pistol and threatened to have the report.

In the meantime, Ausable gave a vivid description of the imaginary balcony. He said that the balcony was a part of the next apartment and it extended to his window. He even said that the management had assured him to block it. Naturally, Max and Fowler were convinced about the existence of the balcony.

Just then there was heard a knocking at the door and it grew louder and more frequent. Asked by Max Ausable said that he had called the police to provide extra protection to the report. Hearing about police Max went near the window and with one of his legs put on the sill, he threatened to shoot the policemen. When the knocking grew louder,

Max, with a view to escaping from police, pushed with his left hand. His idea was that he would land on the balcony. But he fell down. Only a shrill scream of his was heard.

Q.7. Who, between Ausable and Max, do you think is more intelligent? [HSLC 2020]

Ans: Undoubtedly Ausable is more intelligent than Max. The progress of the story justifies Ausable more intelligent nature and his approach to solve the problem. He was a cool headed person who did not raise any hue and cry when he found Max holding a pistol in his locked room.

Ausable was so prudent and quick witted that to deceive Max’s threat he created the story of that balcony which was nothing but a figment of imagination. He also created the scene of knocking at the door of the room to let Max know that policemen were there at the gate.

Finally, believing in Ausable’s words he wanted to escape through the balcony which was really not there. He fell down to where he did not know. Only a shrill scream was heard as his last voice. Thus Ausable with his presence of mind frustrated Max’s design and got rid of him. Ausable’s activities proved him to be more intelligent than Max.


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