Class 9 English Poem Chapter 3 A Legend of the Northland Question Answer

NCERT Class 9 Poem Chapter 3 A Legend of the Northland Question Answer-Phoebe Cary SEBA | Solution: Welcome to our website! We are happy to provide you with Class 9th Notes for your academic journey. Class IX is an important year for learners as they prepare themselves for the upcoming board exams, which will determine their academic success.

Today, I will discuss your Class 9th “A Legend of the Northland” Long and Short Questions| We provide solutions for almost all long and short questions.

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Text Book Question Answers

I. Thinking about the poem:

Q.1. Which country or counties, do you think ‘the Northland’ refers to?

Ans: “The Northland” refers to countries nearer to the north pole such as Netherlands, Greenland, and Siberia.

Q.2. What did Saint Peter ask the old lady for? What was the lady’s reaction?

Ans: Saint Peter asked the old lady for only one cake from her store. The lady practically refused to give him a cake. She baked three small cakes, each smaller than the other. But every time she found it large enough to give away.

Q.3. How did Saint Peter punish the old lady?

Ans: The Saint Peter punished the lady by changing her into a wood pecker (bird). He made her live like birds and live on scanty food boring and boring hard dry wood.

Q.4. How does the woodpecker get her food?

Ans: The woodpecker gets her food from boring hard, dry wood.

Q.5. Do you think that the old lady would have been so ungenerous if she had known who Saint Peter really was? What would she have done then?

Ans: It is probable that even if the old lady had known Saint Peter she would not have believed and treated him in a way different from what she had done. She was a niggard who could not part even with a small cake. One who is not kind to a fellowman and too a guest asking for food cannot be expected to be kind to a Saint.

Q.6. Is this a true story? Which part of this poem do you feel is the most important?

Ans: This is a legend and not a true story. The most important part of the story is Saint Peter’s asking for a cake and the selfish woman’s refusal to part with even the smallest cake she had baked. Her selfish nature is adequately shown in the poem.

Q.7. What is a legend? Why is this poem called a legend?

Ans: A legend is a mythical story. It is a story that has been there since ancient times about people and events that may or may not be true. A legend is not based on historical facts.

This is called a legend because it has been there prevailing among men and women without having any historical support. Events like Saint Peter asking a cake, and changing a human being into a bird seem absurd. The poet himself does not believe it. Still, he has narrated it to teach people a moral lesson.

Q.8. Write the story of “A Legend of the Northland” in about ten sentences.

Ans: The story of the Northland has been prevailing in countries situated near the north pole. The area is far away where daytime is very short and the night is very long in winter. People move there on sledge drawn by reindeer. In that snow covered land, one evening Saint Peter came to the door of a cottage. A woman was baking cackes in her hearth.

Saint Peter asked for only one cake. The woman baked three small cakes, one smaller than the other. But she found that even the liniest cake was large enough to give away. At that, a tired and hungry Saint Peter changed the woman into a bird. As wished by him she came out through the chimney.

Except her scarlet cap all her clothes burnt and they appeared as dark as coal. She was ordained to live on trees and live on scanty food she must get boring hard and dry wood. Since then the woodpecker is seen in every country living as cursed by the Saint.

Additional Questions and Answers

Q.1. How are the days and nights in the Northland?

Ans: In the Northland, days are shorter. There the days are for a few hours. But in winter nights are so long that people get bored and tired sleeping them through.

Q.2. When are the reindeer harnessed to the sledges?

Ans: The reindeer is harnessed to the sledges when the snow covers the land.

Q.3. What kind of clothes do the children in Northland wear? How do they look?

Ans: The children in Northland wear funny, furry clothes They look like bear cubs.

Q.4. Does the poet believe the story?

Ans: No, the poet does not believe the story.

Q.5. The poet says that he does not believe the story. Why does he narrate it then?

Ans: The poet tells the story so that students may learn a lesson.

Q.6. Why did Saint Peter walk about the world?

Ans: Saint Peter walked about the world preaching.

Q.7. “Lived in the World below”. What is meant by the world below’?

Ans: The world below’ means the earth that is supposed to be under the high heaven.

Q.8. How did Saint Peter came to the door of the Cottage?

Ans: Saint Peter came to the door of the cottage in the course of his travel round the earth.

Q.9. What was the woman doing when Saint Peter came to the door of her cottage?

Ans: The woman was baking cakes in the hearth of the cottage.

Q.10. Why did Saint Peter ask for a cake from the woman?

Ans: Saint Peter asked the woman to give him only one cake as he had been fasting and was hungry at the close of the day.

Q.11. How many cakes did a woman bake for Saint Peter? How large were the cakes?

Ans: The woman baked three cakes for Saint Peter. They were very small. The third one was smaller than the second and the second was smaller than the first.

Q.12. Why could not the woman give Saint Peter any cake?

Ans: The woman could not give Saint Peter any cake because even the smallest cake seemed to her too large to give away.

Q.13. When and why did Saint Peter grow angry?

Ans: Saint Peter grew angry when the woman did him even one single cake he had asked for. He turned angry because he was hungry and faint.

Q.14. How did the woman provoke Saint Peter?

Ans: The woman did not give any cake to the Saint. Her selfish nature provoked the Saint.

Q.15. What did Saint Peter say to the woman who refused to give him the cake he had asked for? Or, Why did Saint Petter curse the lady? What was the result of the curse on her?

Ans: Saint Peter said to the woman that she was too selfish to live in human shape and to have food, shelter, and warmth of fire. He cursed her to become a bird and build a nest as birds do and live on scanty food that she would get boring and boring hard, dry wood.

Q.16. To what bird was the woman changed?

Ans: The woman was changed to a woodpecker.

Q.17. What is the appearance of a woodpecker?

Ans: The head of the woodpecker is surrounded by a scarlet cap. The rest parts of her body are black as coal.


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