Class 9 Poem Chapter 2 The Lake Isle of Innisfree Question Answer

NCERT Class 9 Poem The Lake Isle of Innisfree -William Butler Yeats | Question Answer |SEBA: Welcome to our website! We are happy to provide you with Class 9th Notes for your academic journey. Class IX is an important year for learners as they prepare themselves for the upcoming board exams, which will determine their academic success.

Today, in this article I will discuss your Class 9th The Lake Isle of Innisfree Long and Short Questions. We provide solutions for almost all long and short questions. Our goal is to meet your needs. We provide the Notes here for free. We wish you all the best for your upcoming exams. If you have any doubts, please contact us.

Text Book Question And Answers

Q.1. What kind of place is Innisfree? Think about it.

(i) The three things the poet wants to do when he goes back there. (stanza-I)

(ii) What he hears and sees there and its effect on him? (stanza-II)

(iii) what he hears in his “heart’s core” even when he is far away from Innisfree? (stanza-III)


(i) The poet wants to build a cabin of clay and wattles. He wants to plant nine rows of beans and make a hive for honey bee. Then he wants to live alone listening to the mild noise of the bees heard in open places.

(ii) What he hears and sees there and its effect on him?

Ans: He hears the cricket singing in the morning there. He sees the mild light at midnight and purple glow of the sun at noontime at Innisfree. In the evening he the linnet’s flying.

(iii) What he hears in his “heart’s core” even when he is far away from Innisfree?

Ans: Even when he is far away from Innisfree, in his heart’s core he hears the law sounds of the lake water lapping by the shore.

Q.2. By now you may have concluded that Innisfree is a simple, natural place full of beauty and peace. How does the poet contrast it with where he now stands?

Ans: The place where the poet stands now is an urban locality. The roadway and the grey pavements justify this. The color of any urban area is generally grey. Life in urban area is artificial which is in contrast with the natural atmosphere and simplicity found in places like Innisfree.

In city life one can hardly hear bees humming; crickets singing, linnets flying and water making lapping sounds. There is neither any roadway nor any grey pavement at Innisfree. In cities, no one builds a cabin of clay and wattle nor do people grow beans.

Q.3. Do you think Innisfree is only a place or a state of mind? Does the poet actually miss the place of his boyhood days?

Ans: Innisfree is a place in Sligo island. It is not an imaginary place or a state of mind. The poet had spent some time there enjoying the peace and tranquility of the place. In his latter life when he was living in cities, oftentimes he turned nostalgic remembering the sights and sounds of Innisfree. A sense of loss and consequent deprivation grip the poet’s heart.

II. 1. Look at the words the poet uses to describe what he sees and hears at Innisfree:

(i) Bee-laud Glade

(ii) Evening full of the linnet’s wings

(iii) Lake water lapping with low sounds What pictures do these words bring to your mind?

Ans: These words bring to mind the pictures of the uncontaminated and unravished atmosphere that prevails at Innisfree. ‘Bee loud glade’ means a field or open place where the poet could hear the humming sound made by the bees as they fly. An evening full of the linnet’s wings’ means that in the evening time linnets, a kind of small brown bird with short beaks fly in the flock in the sky of Innisfree.

‘Lake water lapping with low sounds’ signifies the continuous waves in the lake hitting at the shore. As the waves hit, they make a low-lapping sound. Thus these words collectively bring the image of an unpolluted natural atmosphere.

2. Look at these words:

……. peace comes dropping slow. Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings. think ‘comes drop-

What do these words mean to you? What do you think ping slow…….. from the veils of the morning? What does to where the cricket signs” Mean?

Ans: ‘Veils of the morning’ means the cover of fog that hangs under the cover of fog. Peace will come slowly like drops of water. The veil on the landscape of Innisfree. Crickets sing in the morning from terms collectively mean the peaceful morning atmosphere that prevails at Innisfree.

Additional Questions and Answers:

Q.1. I will arise and go now………..

Who is the ‘I’ here and where does he want to go?

Ans: The ‘I’ here is the poet, W.B. Yeats. He wants to go to Innisfree.

Q.2. What is Innisfree?

Ans: Innisfree is an island. To the poet, it is a place of natural beauty.

Q.3. Of what the poet wants to build his cabin?

Ans: The poet wants to build his cabin of clay and wattles.

Q.4. How does the poet want to live at Innisfree?

Ans: The poet wants to live alone at Innisfree.

Q.5, What does the poet hope to get at Innisfree?

Ans: At Innisfree, the poet hopes to get some peace.

Q.6. How are the midnights and noon at Innisfree?

Ans: The midnight at Innisfree is full of faint line. The noontime there is full of purple glow.

Q.7. Why does the poet want to go to Innisfree?

Ans: The poet wants to go to Innisfree because he hopes to get some peace there.

Q.8. What will he grow in Innisfree?

Ans: In Innisfree, the poet will grow nine rows of beams. He will also keep a hive of bees.

Q.9. What will the poet build in Innisfree?

Q.9. (a) Who is the poet of the poem ‘The Lake Isle of Innisfree”?

Ans: William Butler Yeats is the poem ‘The Lake Isle of Innisfree’.

Q.9. How is the evening at Innisfree?

Ans: The evening at Innisfree is full of Linet’s wings.

Q.10. What does the poet hear always day and night?

Ans: Always day and night the poet hears the low sound of the water lapping by the shore.

Q.11. “I hear it in the deep heart’s core” What does the poet hear in his ‘heart’s core’?

Ans: The poet hears in his heart’s core the low sound of the lake water lapping by the shore.

Q.12. Why, do you think, does the poet want to have nine bean rows and a hive?

Ans: The poet wants to have nine rows of beans for his food and the hive for the honey bee. ear

Q.13. Where, do you think, is the poet when he wants to go to Innisfree?

Ans: The poet is standing on the pavement of a grey city and recollects the sights and sounds of peaceful Innisfree.

Q.14. Why does the poet want to build a cabin at Innisfree?

Ans: The poet wants to build a cabin at Innisfree because he hopes to live there a plain life like that of a rustic. He wants to go away from the artificial city life in search of peace.


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