Class 10 English Chapter 4 Poem The Ball Peoem Question Answer

The Ball Peoem | Lesson- 4 (Pome) | Class 10 English | SEBA Question and Answer | Textbook in English For Class 10 |(Poet: John Berryman): Welcome to our website! We are happy to provide you with Class 10th Notes for your academic journey. Class X is an important year for learners as they prepare themselves for the upcoming board exams, which will determine their academic success.

Today, In this article I will discuss your Class 10th The Ball Peoem Long and Short Questions| We provide solutions for almost all long and short questions.

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Questions and Answers (As given in the text)

Q.1. Why does the poet say, “I would not intrude on him.” Why doesn’t he offer him money to buy another ball?

Ans: The poet would not intrude because he wanted the boy to think for himself and learn the pages of the loss of the ball that had been his dear possession.

The poet would not offer the boy money to buy another ball because money matter in this cases and is insignificant. He wanted the boy to realise that the loss of the ball is not an isolated case. Loss and gain are perpetual experiences of life that no human being can escape.

Q.2. “Staring down/All his young days into the harbour where/ His ball went. Do you think the boy has had the ball for a long time? Is it linked to the memories of days when he played with it?

Ans: Yes, the association of the boy and the ball has been there since his young days. The link between the ball and the boy has been close and lasted considerably long. As a result, the ball became a dearer possession for him. Naturally, the ball was linked to the memory of the boys.

Q.3. What does “in the would of possessions” mean?

Ans: “In the world of possessions’ means one’s dear material objects and human relations. Man possesses both material properties and friends and relatives which together constitute his possessions.

Q.4. Do you think the boy has lost anything earlier? Pick out the words that suggest the answer?

Ans: The words ‘Staring down/All his young days into the harbour where/His ball went’ suggest the answer.

Q.5. Why does the poet say the boy is learning from the loss of the ball? Try to explain this in your own words.

Ans: The boy is learning from the loss of the ball the part of the philosophy related to knowledge. He is trying to learn and realise the pangs caused by the loss of ones near and dear ones and material possessions. In course of life, one can escape the pangs of loss and seperation.

Additional Questions and Answers

A. Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ] and answers :

Q. 1. Who lost the ball?

(a) the poet

(b) the boy

(c) a man

(d) none of the above

Ans: (b)

Q. 2. Where has the boy lost his ball?

(a) in the water

(b) in the school

(c) on the street

(d) at home

Ans: (a)

Q. 3. How does the boy feel when he loses his ball?

(a) confused

(b) shaken

(c) trembling

(d) all of the above

Ans: (d)

Q. 4. What does the poet say about money?

(a) internal

(b) external

(c) valueless

(d) all of the above

Ans: (b)

Q. 5. What does the poet say about this world is made of?

(a) Material Possessions

(b) happiness

(c) joys

(d) trouble’s

Ans: (a)

Q. 6. What meaning is the boy learning?

(a) meaning of loss

(b) meaning of life-

(c) meaning of playing

(d) meaning of happiness

Ans: (a)

Q. 7. What does the boy ultimately realize in ‘The Ball poem’?

(a) goods once gone, do not come back

(b) losing is a part of life

(c) one ball can be replaced by another

Ans: (b)

B. Very short and short type Questions and Answers:

Q.1. Name the poet of the poem, ‘The Ball Poem’?

Ans: John Berryman.

Q.2. What has the boy lost in the water? [MQ]

Ans: The boy has lost his ball in water.

Q.3. Where did the ball land finally?

Ans: The ball finally landed in water.

Q.4. How did the boy react at the loss of the ball? [MQ]

Ans: At the loss of the ball the boy stood rigid trembling and standing he remembered his association with the ball.

Q.5. What does ‘in the world of possessions’ mean?

Ans: The world of possessions’ means ones near and dear ones and the material objects one possesses. The ball is symbolic of both.

Q.6. What lesson does the boy learn? [MQ]

Ans: The boy learnt the lesson that loss of material possessions and friends and relatives is inevitable in human life. The loss of his dear ball taught that no one can avoid loss in life.

Q.7. Why are the boy’s eyes desperate?

Ans: The boy’s eyes are desperate because no one can compensate his loss and no one can console and comfort him. The experience of lossing his dear ball turned his eyes desperate.

Q.8. What is the theme of the poem, ‘The Ball Poem’?

Ans: The theme of the poem is that loss of material possessions and death and separation from one’s near and dear ones are the inevitable experience of human life. Loss is loss, no matter great or small. Loss causes pangs in the human heart.

Q.9. Why does the poet say ‘Balls will be lost always!?

Ans: In the poem ‘the ball’ is a symbol of material possessions. Loss of material possession and loss of one near and dear ones are not new things. Man has been experiencing loss since the beginning of life and this process will continue till human beings continue to live on Earth.

Q.10. How can the boy stand up again? What every man must know one day?

Ans: After learning the truth that loss and separation are inevitable in life, the boy stands up again. One day every man must know that of pangs of death of one’s near and dear ones and loss of material possession are inevictable in human life.

Q.11. Why is money or another ball useless for the ball?

Ans: The paticular ball lost by the boy was a dear object for him. He used to play that ball since his young days. There developed some sort of relationship between the ball and the boy. Naturally, money or another ball appeared useless because neither of them could compensate for the loss of the particular ball lost by the boy.

Q.12. How are the boy’s eyes?

Ans: The boy’s eyes are desperate.


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