Class 10 English Chapter 2 Poem| Amanda Question Answer

Amanda | Lesson- 2 (Pome) | Class 10 English | SEBA Question and Answer | First Flight Textbook in English For Class 10 |(Poet: Robin Klein): Welcome to our website! We are happy to provide you with Class 10th Notes for your academic journey. Class X is an important year for learners as they prepare themselves for the upcoming board exams, which will determine their academic success.

Today, in this article I will discuss your Class 10th Amanda Long and Short Questions| We provide solutions for almost all long and short questions.

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Q.1. Who, do you, think exercise control over Amanda?

Ans: Either one of her parents or some elder exercise control over Amanda.

Q.2. Is Amanda a student? How do you know? [HSLC.’2017,2020]

Ans: Yes, Amanda is a student. She is given homework to do that proves that she is a student.

Q.3. How is Amanda asked to sit?

Ans: Amanda is asked to sit strait without slouching.

Q.4. How is the sea in which the mermaid lives?

Ans: The sea in which the memaid lives is bright and tranquil.

Q.5. How does the mermaid live in the sea?

Ans: The mermaid lives alone and blissfully.

Q.6. What questions were asked to Amanda? [HSLC.2018]

Ans: Amanda was asked if she had done her homework, tidied her room and cleaned her shoes.

Q.7. Where does Amanda roam?

Ans: The orphan roams in the street.

Q.8. What does she do with her bare feet? [HSLC.2018]

Ans: The orphan draws patterns on the dust with his bare feet.

Q.9. How are silence and freedom?

Ans: Silence is golden, and freedom is sweet.

Q.10. Why was Amanda asked not to eat chocolate?

Ans: Amanda was asked not to eat chocolate because she had an acne.

Q.11. Who, among Amanda, the mermaid and the orphan are happier and why?

Ans: Among the three the mermaid and the orphan are happier. Because there is no one to exercise control over their freedom to move and act freely.

Q.12. How old is Amanda? How do you know? [HSLC 2016, 2019]

Or, How do you know that Amanda is a teenager? [HSLC-2015]

Ans: Amanda is a minor school going, girl. I know it from the homework given to her. She is a teenager.

Q.13. Who, do you think, is speaking to her?

Ans: I think her mother is speaking to her.

Q.14. Choose from the box given below, the words that rhymes with stairs the following:

cage, hums, heat, comes, furs, rage, stares, edge, cars, village, feet, runs, hit


Words rhyming words words rhyming words

Cage rage. hum’s Comes

Stairs stares. heat feet

Q.15. What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid? [HSLC-2015,MQ]

Ans: If she were a mermaid Amanda could live alone and blissfully.

Q.16. Is Amanda an orphan? Why does she say do?

Ans: Amanda is not an orphan, She says so thinking that if she were an orphan she could have been freer than what she had been.

Q.17. What does Amanda yearn for?

Ans: Amanda yearned for freedom. The poem tells about Amanda’s life led under continuous control and restrictions. She was given no liberty in any of her personal affairs.

Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ] and answers :

Q. 1. Amanda yearned for-

(b) Freedom

(c) Friendship

(d) Respect

(a) Love

Ans: (b)

Q.2. According to Amanda, who of the following was happier than her?

(b) The orphan

(a) The mermaid

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of (a) and (b)

Ans: (c)

Q. 3. The mermaid was happy, because-

(a) She lived under water

(c) She was alone

(b) She could swim

(d) There was no one to exercise control over her.

Ans: (d)

Q. 4. The orphan was happy, because-

(a) He had no one to be taken care of

(b) He could roam around

(c) He could spend silent times

(d) He could enjoy freedom

Ans: (d)

Q.5. The life of the mermaid is-

(a) Lonely and sad

(b) Lonely and blissful

(c) Lonely and depressing

(d) Lonely and silent

Ans: (b)

Q. 6. Amanda experienced –

(a) Freedom

(b) Happiness

(c) Excitement

(d) Domonance

Ans: (d)

Q. 7. Amanda compared herself with –

(a) Cinderella

(b) A witch

(d) Rapunzel

(c) A princess

Ans: (d)

Q. 8. Amanda was asked by either a parent or an elder –

(a) not to bite her nails

(b) not to hunch her shoulders

(c) to sit straight

(d) All of the above

Ans: (d)

Q. 9. What did spoil Amanda’s childhood pleasures?

(a) Her failure in study

(b) her ugly look

(c) Constant controls exercised by her parents and elders on her

(d) Lack of friends.

Ans: (c)


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