Class 12 English Chepter 1 The Last Lesson Short Questions | SEBA

This article provides short questions and answers from the story ‘The Last Lesson’ written by Alphonse Daudet. It is an inspiring story of a teacher, M. Hamel, who teaches his last lesson to his students in a village in Alsace before it was annexed to Germany.

This article will help readers understand the various themes of this classic tale such as patriotism, determination, courage and hope.

The answers provided here are based on interpretations of the text by experts and can serve as useful study material for students preparing for their SEBA exams.

Class 12 English Chepter 1 The Last Lesson (Questions & Answers)

Q. 1.Describe the background in which The Last Lesson’ of Alphonse Daudet has been set.

Ans. The Last Lesson’ is set in the days of the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871). France was defeated by Prussia (Germany). By an order from Berlin, German language was imposed on the French speaking districts of Alsace and Lorraine. The lesson describes how a teacher in Alsace, M. Hamel, his students and the villagers react to this shocking news.

Q. 2. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day? Why was he in great dread of scolding?

Ans. Franz had not prepared his lesson. His teacher, M. Hamel, would question the students on participles on that day. But Franz didn’t know even the first word about them. He feared a scolding from M. Hamel. Moreover, he started for school very late. For a moment, he thought of running away and spending the day out of doors.

Q.3. Why did Franz think of running away and spending the day out of doors?

Ans. Franz started for school very late. His teacher, M. Hamel had announced that he would question them on ‘participles’. Franz knew nothing about them. He feared a scolding from M. Hamel. He thought of running away from the school and spending the day out of doors. But he resisted the temptation and hurried off to school.

Q. 4. What was the temptation and how did Franz resist it?

Ans. Franz was very late for school. M. Hamel was to question the students on participles. Franz knew nothing about them and feared a scolding. The bright weather, woods, fields and chirping of birds tempted him to spend the day out of doors. But he overcame his temptation and hurried off to school.

Q.5. What did Franz see when he passed in front of the town hall on the way to school?(Imp.)

Ans. Franz passed the town hall on his way to school. There was a great crowd in front of the bulletin-board. For the past two years all their bad news had come from there. The people generally thronged there to hear the latest news. On that day they were eager to know about the latest order that had come from Berlin.

Q. 6. Why was there a crowd in front of the bulletin-board at the town hall?

Ans. Usually there used to be a crowd in front of the bulletin-board at the town hall. All the bad news had come from there for the last two years. But that day another bad news shocked them. A new order had come from Berlin. German language was to be imposed on the French speaking people of Alsace and Lorraine.

Q. 7. Describe at least two changes that could be seen in M. Hamel after he came to know of that order from Berlin.

Ans. M. Hamel was a hard task-master. But the order from Berlin completely transformed him. He didn’t rebuke Franz when he entered the classroom quite late. Nor did he scold him when he got mixed up and confused with participles. Patriotic feelings overwhelmed him. He urged his students as well as the village elders to safeguard their mother tongue among them.

Q. 8. How was the scene in the school in the morning of the last lesson different from that on other days?

Ans. The scene in the school was different from that on other days. The usual hustle was going to be imposed on them from the next day. Hence, all students and even the village and bustle of the morning hours was totally absent. It was their last lesson in French. German elders had gathered there. Everybody was shocked and stunned.

Q. 9. I had counted on the commotion to get to my desk without being seen; …, said Franz. How did he enter and what was the reaction of the teacher?

Ans. Franz was late for school. Usually there was always a great hustle and bustle in the morning. He had hoped to take advantage of that commotion. He wanted to get to his desk without being noticed. But that day he had to go in before everybody. But nothing happened. M. Hamel only asked him very politely to take up his seat.

Q. 10. Why didn’t M. Hamel get angry with Franz for being late?

Ans. M. Hamel was much disturbed by the news that came from Berlin. He was delivering his last lesson’ in French. So he didn’t get angry with Franz for being late. Bigger issues had gripped his mind. Rather he said very kindly, “Go to your place, little Franz”. He ignored Franz’s being late and went on with his lesson.

Q11. How did M. Hamel give the shocking news to the students and the villagers and with what effect?

Ans. The new order from Berlin shocked and stunned even the village elders. They sat on the back benches to show their respect to M. Hamel. M. Hamel spoke in a grave and gentle tone. He made it clear that it was their last lesson in French. All the schools of Alsace and Lorraine would teach only in German.

Q. 12. Why had M. Hamel put on his finest clothes? Why were the old men of the village sitting there in the back of the classroom?

Ans. M. Hamel had put on his finest clothes to highlight the occasion. The old men of the village had also come there. They wanted to show their sympathy and respect to French and for M. Hamel. It was their way to thank M. Hamel. They also paid their respect to their most beautiful language, French.

Q. 13. How did Franz perform when his turn came to recite? How did M. Hamel react?

Ans. It was Franz’s turn to recite. In spite of his best effort, he got mixed up. His heart was beating and he did not dare to look up. M. Hamel assured in a polite tone that he would not scold him. He was not the only one who neglected learning French. Many others in Alsace did the same thing.

Q. 14. “We’ve all a great deal to reproach ourselves with.” Why did M. Hamel blame the parents and himself too for not showing due attention and care to the learning of French?

Ans. M. Hamel takes the people of Alsace to take for neglecting the learning of their native language, French. Many of them could neither speak nor write their own language. He also blames the parents for this negligence. Even Mr. Hamel doesn’t spare himself in this

Q.15. What did M. Hamel tell the people in the class about French language? What did he ask them to do and why?
How does M. Hamel pay a tribute to the French language?

was the clearest and the most logical of all languages. He asked the people to guard it among Ans. M. Hamel declared that French was the most beautiful language of the world. It

Q. 16. Why did M. Hamel ask his students and the villagers to guard French among them?

Ans. M. Hamel was delivering his last lesson in French to his students. The new order from Berlin aroused patriotic feelings in him. German was being imposed on the French speaking people of Alsace. He considered French as the most beautiful and logical language in the world. He urged upon the people to guard their beautiful language among themselves. It was their key to freedom.

Q. 17. How did the narrator take the last lesson in grammar and with what effect?

Ans. In the end, M. Hamel opened a grammar book. He read them their last lesson. All he said ‘seemed so easy, so easy!’ Franz understood it quite well. He had never listened to his teacher so carefully. It seemed as if M. Hamel wanted to give them all he knew before going away. He wanted to put it all into their heads at one stroke.

Q. 18. What was the parting message of M. Hamel to his students and the village elders who had gathered in the classroom?

Ans. Mr. Hamel’s aim was to arouse patriotic feelings of his students and village elders for their native language. He made them conscious of the glory and greatness of French language. He urged them to safeguard it among themselves. Finally, he wrote “Vive La France !” (“Long Live France !”) on the blackboard and departed.

Q. 19. “The people in the story realise suddenly how precious their language is to them.” (V. Imp.) How do they realise it and who makes them realise it?

Ans. The new shocking order from Berlin makes people suddenly realise how precious their language is to them. German is imposed on the French districts of Alsace and Lorraine.” The man who makes them aware of the greatness of their language is M. Hamel. He arouses their hidden love and patriotic feelings for their beautiful language.

Q. 20. What is Linguistic Chauvinism? How do you classify M. Hamel’s love and the villagers’ concern for French?

Ans. Linguistic Chauvinism’ means carrying pride in one’s language too far. But the love of Hamel and the village elders for French doesn’t amount to this. Rather they are victims of it. German is being imposed on the French speaking people of Alsace. M. Hamel feels genuinely proud of French language. He urges them to safeguard and never to forget their own language.

Q. 21. Justify the title of ‘The Last Lesson.’

Ans. The title is self-revealing. It was certainly the last lesson that M. Hamel was delivering in French. From the next day German was to be imposed on the French speaking people of Alsace and Lorraine. M. Hamel was leaving the school for good with a heavy heart. Even the village elders had come to listen to their last lesson in French.

Q. 22. What message does the writer want to convey to the readers through “The Last Lesson’?

Ans. Alphonse Daudet has a definite message to convey to his readers. Through M. Hamel he wants to express pride in one’s language. Greatness of French language is highlighted. The lesson arouses patriotic feelings. It makes the readers aware that they must safeguard their language and culture. They must keep them alive at all costs.


The story of M. Hamel and his students in ‘The Last Lesson’ is truly remarkable, as it highlights the power of patriotism, determination, courage and hope that can be found even in difficult times.

Through this article’s questions and answers about the classic tale, readers have gained a better understanding of these themes which will help them prepare for their SEBA exams.

Ultimately, this article serves as an inspiring reminder to never give up on our dreams no matter how challenging the circumstances may seem. if this helpful for you then please comment your opinion.

Thank you.

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